A Biologically released form of Sulphur
N-0 P-0 K-0 S-90 Mg-0 Ca-0
Elemental sulphur is a biologically released form of sulphur made available to plants when plants most need it. This lessens the chance of sulphate leaching from the soil. Sulphur plays a critical role in the formation of enzymes and protein in plants.
Available in 3kg & 5kg bags
Contains: 90% elemental sulfur with 10% bentonite (clay) as a binder in the form of pellet.
Elemental sulphur occurs naturally and most of what is used for fetiliser is the byproduct of the natural gas industry.
Elemental sulphur is not immediately available to plants because it must first be converted into the sulphate form by soil bacteria this coincides with when plants need it most and lessens the chance of sulphate leaching from the soil.
Sulphur plays a critical role in the formation of enzymes and protein in plants.
Applying Elemental sulphur to the soil is an effective way of lowering or maintaining a low pH value. Soil with a high pH value is considered alkaline which suppresses other essential nutrients making them unavailable to plants particularly in acid loving plants such as blueberries, citrus, azaleas, camellias and rhododendrons.
Application Rates:
Maintenance: 20-30gms per square metre
Lowering pH: 50g per square metre