Rubitas Red Clover
Trifolium pratense
Rubitas is a Red Clover Variety, bred by Eric Hall, Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research, with a prostate growth habit. In comparison to other varieties its natural height in spring is short. Typical for diploid plants, Rubitas will flower early. Earlier grazing will provide and fill the feed gap better than later flowering cultivars presently on the New Zealand market.
The most exciting feature about Rubitas is its stolon’s above and underneath the plant surface. Those stolons increase the tolerance to extended periods of grazing over other red clover varieties. This, together with its deep taproot, make it an ideal candidate for summer dry east coast pastures.
Perennial clover,
Dense, prostrate, stoloniferous growth
Deep tap root
Suitable low to medium rainfall area
Tolerates heavy grazing
Low oestrogen level