
    Includes: Mixed Fescue

    Trusty Lawn includes deep rooting fine textured fescue grasses that can tolerate shady, drought prone lawn areas such as under trees, between buildings and next to fences or hedges. Trusty Lawn can perform in places that other grasses struggle, however it won’t tolerate a lot of wear and tear. It is slow to establish but the end result is an attractive fine dense green lawn all year-round that is slow growing and can look good under high or low maintenance.

    Note: Fescue is slow to establish and a requires warm soil

    Mix Includes: Hard, Chewings and Creeping Red Fescue

    Sow Rate: 20g per square metre

    Depth: Mix into the top 6-10mm of soil

    Available in 1kg, 3kg, 10kg and 25kg.

    $32.00 $25.60 NZD inc GST.

    Sub total: $0.00
    SKU: N/A.
    Category: .


    Sowing a New Lawn
    Good seed bed preparation is the key to establishing a successful lawn. Pay particular attention to clearing weeds and cultivating the surface to a fine tilth.
    • Eliminate existing grass, weeds with a glyphosate weed killer, or by hand before starting to prepare the seed bed.
    • Dig or cultivate the site to a depth of 20-25cm (8-10in)
    • Rake and remove rubble, rocks and roots
    • Dig in some well-rotted manure or other organic matter (especially on a sandy soil) to hold moisture. It’s a good idea to apply some lime at this stage, approx 200g/square metre
    • After cultivation leave for several days to settle – the longer the better, ideally five to six weeks or more.
    • Before the next stage of preparation, remove any weeds that have germinated.
    • For the best lawn you will need to get it level, tread or roll the area several times in different directions and then rake several times also in different directions.
    • Once firmed, rake several times in different directions.
    • Apply and rake in 70g per sq m of seeds & Cereals Lawn Starter Fertiliser.
    • Calculate the correct seed quantity for the area to be sown
    • Divide the seed quantity in half.
    • Sow half the seed over the whole area by working in parallel rows lengthways.
    • Repeat the process with the remaining seed, working in parallel rows width ways.
    • If using a seed distributor follow the same method, but calibrate the seed distributor.
    • Lightly rake over the sown area to cover the majority of the seeds with soil
    • Give the area a light roll to squeeze the air out of the seed bed
    • If the weather remains dry for two or three days, water gently with a light sprinkler.
    • Recommend applying Seeds & Cereals Lawn Starter, ensuring it is well watered in
    • If dry conditions persist, repeat watering as necessary while the seeds are germinating and the young seedlings are becoming established.
    • Mow new lawn at about 5-7.5cm (2-3in) high, ensure the mower blades are sharp.
    • Try not to overuse the new lawn during the first season.
    • Recommend applying Seeds & Cereals Lawn Fertiliser after about three months
    • Weed seedlings are usually killed when mowing begins, but the seedlings of perennial weeds are best weeded out by hand. Coarse grasses may appear in new lawns, these are best removed promptly by hand, as they can’t be killed by lawn weed-killers.
    • Selective lawn weed-killers should not be used on a new lawn earlier than six months after germination.
    Note: The ideal cutting height of an established residential lawn is about 20mm – 25mm.


    Additional information

    Weight 1 kg
    Dimensions N/A

    1kg, 3kg, 10kg, 25kg